JUDO. Glasgow 2015 Cancelled. Colpa Dell'UFC !

"L'Unione Europea di Judo(EJU) è giunta alla conclusione che la British Judo Association non è adatta ai criteri dell'UEJ per ospitare un evento di punta EJU."

Queste sono le parole di apertura del comunicato apparso giorno 14 febbraio sul sito ufficiale della federazione europea di Judo che annulla l'evento di Aprile a Glasgow.
"La BJA ha stipulato un accordo di sponsorizzazione che non soddisfa i valori dell'UEJ.
La BJA ha persistito in questo, nonostante fosse stata messa in guardia in più occasioni che questo accordo era inaccettabile per l'EJU, che ha diritto in base al contratto di approvare o disapprovare eventuali sponsorizzazioni di eventi dell'UEJ.
Lo sponsor non viene mai menzionato, quasi ad esorcizzare il pericolo. Il suo nome è UFC!
L' UFC risponde in data odierna.
"L'UFC è delusa e rattristata di annunciare il suo ritiro come sponsor dei Campionati Europei di Judo, a seguito di una minaccia dell'Unione europea Judo (UEJ) di annullare l'evento se UFC fosse stata coinvolta."

Ecco la comunicazione UFC in testo originale.

"London, UK – UFC, the world’s premier mixed martial arts organisation, is disappointed and saddened to announce its withdrawal of support to the European Judo Championships, following a threat from the European Judo Union (EJU) to cancel the event if UFC was to remain involved. 

The EJU threatened to cancel the international event just eight weeks before it was due to take place on 9-12th April at the Emirates Arena in Glasgow, Scotland, possibly jeopardising many athletes’ journey to the 2016 Rio Olympic Games and harming the legacy of the Commonwealth Games, which took place in Glasgow in July 2014. 

The UFC has agreed to step back and withdraw support from the event in the interest of Judo athletes and fans. But it will continue to support British Judo and other combat sports federations and associations, remaining hopeful that the situation may be resolved in the future. 

David Allen, Senior Vice President and General Manager UFC EMEA said: “We love to see sport thrive and athletes prosper, which is why the UFC prides itself on supporting all combat sports, both mixed and individual disciplines. Our aim was to help Judo reach a new audience, increase promotion, help to sell tickets and create a buzz around the European judo Championships. It is disappointing to see that the European Judo Union cannot see the benefits of collaboration and celebration of all sports.”

Through its association with the British Combat Sports Federation, UFC was due to support the European Judo Championships with branding, marketing and also promotion of the event to its global audience of millions of engaged mixed martial artists – of which Judo is a founding discipline.  

Just one week ago, mixed martial artists from Glasgow, one of whom began his career as a Scottish Judo champion, teamed up with Judo athletes at a press conference to begin promotion of the Championships. 

Robert Whiteford was thrilled to be involved in the event and said: “It’s superb to see the cross collaboration between mixed martial arts and individual combat sports, this is the development of sport and it’s important to embrace it. Sharing techniques, skills and knowledge is important for personal, professional and physical development. The UFC’s involvement in supporting the European Judo Championships cements that forward thinking.


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